
I love to write, and have always been writing since I was a kid.  Mainly, I wrote nonsense short stories, but now I’ve taken to blogging and writing articles in hopes to earn a little bit of income online.  My interests vary, but there are some things that I just have to let out.  I hope you’ll enjoy reading these articles as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

A Family-Oriented Christmas Instead of spending lots of money on gifts, try just spending time with the family.  Forming memories is a lot more important than trying to buy the latest gadget or toy.

Owning Responsibility for Your Debt We all get into some form of debt.  Here are a few tips that helped me eat away at my debt’s principle.

Commercial Cults Recognise a new and disturbing trend in the cult world and the damage it can cause to family and finances.

Nutrition, Exercise, and the Mindset Pull away from popping supplements and refrain from fad diets and spurts of exercise.  Instead, change your priorities and your lifestyle – permanently.

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